Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sébastien Chabal, born 8 December 1977 in Valence, France, is a french international rugby player. He has played number eight and lock professionally for the French team Racing-Métro 92.
He is one of the most popular sportsmen in France, so that a lot of journalists speak about "Chabalmania".
Chabal has played rugby union at the highest level for over ten years and has won the English Premiership  and the 2007 and 2010 Six Nations Championship with France. He has also finished at fourth place, twice, in the Rugby World Cup.
He is famous thanks his full beard, long hair and agressive tackling, and known under the nickname the Caveman. With this look, he has a number of lucrative commercial contracts which has made him the highest paid French rugby player since 2007. His image is used in different sector like games on line, insurance, medical with bandages Urgo, etc...

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